Derby Demo + Blue Ridge Roller Derby Meet & Greet
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | West Asheville, NC
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Round up your bar tab all month long to show your support to the nonprofit organization.
Come out to learn about roller derby from the Blue Ridge Roller Derby team and meet some of the members!
About the Blue Ridge Roller Derby:
Blue Ridge Roller Derby is Asheville’s Flat Track Roller Derby league and values everyone who shows up, no matter their skill level or volunteer offering. They also value diversity, inclusivity and equity within the league, sport, and community. It is our mission to foster competitive gameplay; which means meeting people where they are; teaching skaters, volunteers, and officials from the ground up; or learning from new friends when they join in, which is why they host clinics and comprehensive bootcamps
Check out our event page for more happenings at The Whale in West Asheville.